Undergraduate programs Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Department of Green Energy Engineering

Department of Green Energy Engineering
Nurturing experts in eco-friendly energy with knowledge of energy ICT fusion, capable of responding to the new industries of the 4th industrial revolution
Department of Green Energy Engineering
The creation of an environment capable of creating continued progress and stable, systematic acceptance of energy ICT innovation education curriculum and methods to allow the nurturing of specialized personnel with the “4C” capabilities and energy/ICT fusion knowledge capable of responding to the new industries of the 4th industrial revolution (4C: Critical Thinking, Creative, Collaboration, Communication)
The Department of Green Energy Engineering
is a newly created department whose campus will open in March 2022 in the Chungbuk Innovation City Industry-Academe District. The Chungbuk

Innovation City campus has great infrastructure for industries, universities, and institutes such as government institutions, public institutions, and eco-friendly energy companies. This department will utilize internships, practice semesters, open campus, shared R&D projects, etc. for more professional and practical learning required for the industrial field.

The Department of Green Energy Engineering performs the following:

  • Nurturing of Green Energy Engineering experts and local talent
  • Professional education for entry into national institutions and public institutions
  • Business-related education for expansion into related businesses
  • Education for acquiring green energy-related qualifications
  • Character education necessary for green energy experts

These will be used to nurture green energy experts with the required character and knowledge for the 4th industrial revolution.

Introduction of learning area

  • This department teaches the combined basics and general/character (first year), combined basics and core topics (second year), in-depth combined topics (third year), and combined execution and application topics (fourth year) in order to teach energy production, energy storage/conversion, energy distribution and management, and energy recycling, which are needed to complete the Green Energy Engineering course.
    (solar energy, rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen energy, smart grids).

Department capacity and definition

Department capacity and definition
Department capacity and definition
Logical analysis capability The capacity to articulate clearly, understand, and problem-solve efficiently
Creative exploration capacity The capacity to explore engineering principles to expand creative thinking and understanding
Fusion problem-solving capacity The capacity to use professional knowledge, communication, and adjustment capabilities to accomplish goals
Specialization enhancement and work capacity The capacity to, through collaboration and varied work education, utilize the needed knowledge and work capacity needed in industrial institutions

Chungbuk Innovation City campus introduction

< Chungbuk Innovation City Industry-Academe Fusion Campus >

  • Department of Green Energy Engineering campus

    Newly built campus with facilities such as dorms, electronic library, gym, field, book cafe, convenience stores, cafeterias, etc. Inside the city are educational, cultural, medical, sports, welfare, and transport facilities.

  • Chungbuk Innovation City

    A future-oriented city allowing for collaboration between industries, universities, and institutes and a high-level settlement environment. It is an eco-friendly green healing city specializing in solar power/energy, info-communications/scientific technology, education/talent nurturing, public services, etc.

    • Public institutions : Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Korea Consumer Agency, Korean Educational Development Institute, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning, Korea Employment Information Service, Korea Information Society Development Institute, National IT Industry Promotion Agency, Institute of Justice, National Human Resources Development Institute
    • Energy testing and certification centers: Solar power tech support center, large-capacity ESS testing center, building energy tech center, fine dust testing center, climate change proving center, automobile fuel economy center, residence environment proving center, next-generation fusion tech innovation center, hydrogen gas safety experience center, etc.
    • Nearby energy businesses: Hanhwa Energy Solutions, Hyundai Energy Solutions, DB High Tech, LG Chemicals, SK Innovation, etc.

Certifications and work paths after graduation

  • Certifications: Engineer Energy Management/Industrial Engineer Energy Management/energy diagnostics personnel/solar power development engineer/greenhouse gas management engineer/new and renewable energy Euipment engineer/Engineer Electricity/Industrial Engineer Electricity/Professional Engineer Electric Safety/Engineer Electric WorkProfessional Engineer Electric Application, etc.
  • Future schooling: If entering the same graduate school, there is an in-depth course on green energy expertise that allows students to perform research projects and train with overseas specialized institutions.
  • Job acquisition: For national institutions, public institutions, and 51 public institutions in the Chungcheong-do area, the requirement to recruit local talent (Enforcement Decree of the Act On Innovative City) will result in 30% mandatory recruitment starting 2022. Green energy-related businesses.