Undergraduate programs Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Department of Occupational Therapy

Department introduction

Department introduction
Occupational therapy with the dignity of happy life beyond disability!
Department of Occupational Therapy
The studies in occupational therapy begins with the premise that a meaningful life is only possible with the ability to participate in an “occupation.” This is why this discipline is called occupational therapy, which assess a variety of factors of the patient/client that affect their participation in a meaningful activity (e.g., the degree of damage and disability, active areas, degree of performance, environment and background of that performance) and intervene these factors for the patient to participate in that occupation. In the end, an occupational therapist ensures the healthy, functional, meaningful and happy life of the patient/client. As such, the original charm of occupational therapy is the respect for humandignityandqualityoflifebeyondthephysicalbody.


  • Immersive foreign language certification education (KFLP)
  • Overseas practice and international exchange program
  • Specialized curriculum on social rehabilitation
  • Intensive education on clinical practicum in steps to enhance practical skills
  • Career Immersion Tracks (CIT) for quality employment
  • Self-leading project-based education

Educational objectives

  • Occupational therapy thinkers deeply rooted in academic philosophy
  • Practical experts in occupational therapy with balanced knowledge and techniques
  • Creative, innovative, and proactive leaders in occupational therapy
  • Researchers in occupational therapy for the latest grounded clinical medicine
  • Humanitarian occupational therapist with the love for the humanity and society
  • Global occupational therapists in the international stage

Departmental Vision

  • Healthy Life Designer! We educate moral, creative, and innovative global occupational therapists as healthcare professionals.

Educational program overview

Educational program overview
First Year Liberal arts curriculum in the humanities and philosophy, novice courses in medicine, introduction to occupational therapy
Second Year Therapist theoretical education in each specific field of occupational therapy
Third Year Specific in-depth field of occupational therapy, scientific research methodology, creative convergent learnin
Fourth Year Practical education through field experience

Career options

  • Medical institutions (university hospitals, general hospitals, rehabilitory hospitals, health centers)
  • Rehabilitation center, occupational rehabilitory center
  • General welfare center for the disabled, metropolitan center for dementia, weekly protection center, school therapist
  • Elderly nursing home, public health center, research institute
  • Civil servants in public health, assistant engineering center
  • Medical device companies
  • Center for sensational integration therapy
  • Center for children with developmental disorder
  • Adaptable leisure center
  • Overseas jobs