Undergraduate programs Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Department of Aviation and IT Convergence

Department introduction

Department introduction
Educating leading professionals in the era of Aviation and IT Convergence
Department of Aviation and IT Convergence
The Department of Aviation and IT Convergence educates core and leading professionals in the era of the convergence between aerospace and information technology in the 21st century. The Department fosters future experts in the latest field of IT convergence to meet the demands of the highly valued service industries to apply unmanned vehicles like drones, whose demand will explosively rise, and sensor information from satellite.


  • The Department has accomplished the best achievements in the field of aerospace/satellite sensor information throughout a decade of joint research with the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, a Korean organization for satellite and aerospace development. This specializing convergence department inclusively deals with aerospace and computer system technologies (hardware), software development technologies (software), and information processing technologies for aviation and IT (information application).

Educational objectives

  • Objectives: To educate future experts and creative and global technicians with communication and leadership skills, creative problem-solving skills and practical skills Program: IT application to the fields of unmanned vehicle, aerospace and computer systems, airborne sensors, processing and application of airborne sensor data.

Departmental Vision

  • Educating professionals demanded by the national strategic industries, prospective intelligence service industries and aerospace and defense industries by applying the trend of future industrial technologies Fostering future workforce with excellent competence with data processing, information generation, analytical and application skills in aerospace and latest IT convergence.

Educational program overview

Educational program overview
First Year Introduction to Aviation and IT Convergence, Basic Computer Programs 1, 2, Understanding Aerospace Software, Digital Logics Building, ICDL
Second Year Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Fundamentals of Data Structure, IT Electronic Circuit, Applied Aerospace Sensor, Object Oriented Programming, Computer Architecture, Applied IT Electronic Circuit
Third Year Database, Windows Programming, Algorithm, Microprocessor, Computer Vision, Embedded System, Pattern Recognition, Applied Database, Software Engineering, Programming Project
Fourth Year Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Operating System, Internet of Everything, Career and Employment Planning, Computer Graphics, JAVA, Applied Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Career options

  • National and public institutes (e.g. the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Agency for Defense Development, etc.) that require the creation, analyses, and applications of aerospace and satellite information
  • Governmental and private corporate research institutes that demand professionals in spatial information, such as urban planning, national defense, disaster analysis, environmental monitoring, forestry, earth resource exploration, GIS application, etc.
  • Korean or international hi-tech IT corporations that apply latest IT in image processing, artificial intelligence, big data processing, etc. as some of the core technologies that analyze and process large aerospace and satellite image data