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create a new wave in the world

Volunteer Activities

Learn about the considerateness for others beyond oneself
Thoughtfulness is also a major quality in excellent talents aside from capabilities. Learn the warmth of the heart through a variety of volunteer activities.

01. Information session on volunteer activities for university students

Education on university student volunteers

Student supports
Purpose To provide opportunities to indirectly experience various volunteer activities and basic mind of volunteers through the systematic and effective basic education on the volunteer activities for university students
Schedule During April
Target Current students (focusing on freshmen)
Content - Membership as volunteers in the volunteer system by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs
- Education on basic voluntarism; benefits and management of volunteer experiences
- Promotion of productive volunteer opportunities and methods, etc.
Effect - Opportunities in indirect experiences in volunteer activities through the basic education on voluntarism
- Opportunities to cultivate a spirit of voluntarism

02. Blood Donation of Love Campaign

Volunteer activities through participating in a blood donation campaign

Student supports
Purpose To participate in the Blood Donation of Love Campaign by Red Cross who protects human life and health to improve students’ independence and voluntarism for the community
Schedule April, October
Target Current students
Content Participation in the Blood Donation of Love Campaign by Red Cross
Effect - Developing basic volunteering skills
- Providing opportunities to cultivate voluntarism

03. Butnim program

Volunteer activities through the exchanges with the international students in the Korea Defense Language School

Student supports
Purpose To promote the Korean language, understand foreign cultures, and assist in contractual foreigners to get familiarized with Korean life through the cultural exchanges between the contractual foreigners and current students in the University through the collaboration between Far East University – Korea Defense Language School (Division of the Korean language education)
Schedule April ~ November
Target Current students
Content - Cultural exchanges through the regular meeting with international students
- Volunteer assistants to get easily familiarized with Korean life
Effect - Opportunities to develop a global mind through voluntary cultural exchanging by students
- Promotion of the university image through the institutional volunteers in the local community

04. Help rural communities

Volunteer activities in the rural communities

Student supports
Purpose To contribute to the development of the communitarian voluntarism for the rural communities in the vicinity who experience difficulties in workforce due to the increase in the old population and decline in overall population in those rural communities
Schedule Frequently
Target Current students
Content Volunteering in the local rural communities (planting hot peppers, thinning out apple blossoms, etc.)
Effect - Improving students’ community volunteer skills by supporting rural communities
- volunteering

05. Residential environment improvement program for local communities

Talent donation volunteer activities in connection to major disciplines

Student supports
Purpose To improve the local residential environment through the talent donation volunteer activities in connection with major disciplines and to share the talents on the discipline to contribute to personal development and local community
Schedule Frequently
Target Current students
Content Wall graffiti in the local communities
Effect Providing the opportunities for personal development in connection to the major discipline of students through the voluntary residential environment improving activities

06. Talent donation program for local communities

Talent donation (performance and labor volunteer) activitie

Student supports
Purpose To apply for volunteer activities (performance and labor activities, etc.) for the local community through the student talent donation
Schedule Frequently
Target Current students
Content - Yeoju Ceramics Festival [Assistants in the event venue (cleaning and event guide, etc.)]
- Goto playing and Japanese culture (Instrument playing and Japanese cultural performance)
- Icheon Ceramics Festival [assistants in event venue (cleaning, event guide, etc.)]
- Volunteers in corporate promotion exhibitions [Event venue helpers (promotion booths and guide desk)]
- Other talent donation activities (various event helpers and labor volunteers, etc.)
Effect - Development of the spirit of volunteerism through volunteer activities and talent donation in the local community (performance, labor, etc.)
- Promoting the university image through the talent donation in the local community

07. Home services for the elderly and orphanage volunteer programs

Volunteer activities for the welfare facilities for the elderly and orphanages

Student supports
Purpose To apply for the volunteer activities for the alienated elderly and children by visiting welfare facilities in the community
Schedule Frequently
Target Current students
Content - volunteer in the Happiness House (meal preparations, chatting companion, talent show)
- Volunteer in the Hyang-ae orphanage (cleaning, assisting facility repair, etc.)
- Volunteer in other welfare centers for the elderly and orphanages
Effect - Development of the spirit of volunteerism through volunteer activities in the welfare facilities for the elderly and children
- Promoting the university image through the volunteer activities in the welfare facilities for the elderly and children