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Student Counselling Center

Professional counselling cares for the mind
Professional counsellors in the student counselling center care for students with difficulties in university life or unspeakable personal concerns.

01. Self-understanding group counselling

Expand self-understanding through group counselling

Student supports
Purpose To prevent difficulties in university life through selfunderstanding
Schedule May~June
Target Current students
Content Sharing one’s thoughts and feelings in a group counselling session to expand self-understanding and empathy understanding in others.
Effect Effective stress management and increase in the comfort in university by enhancing self-understanding.

02. Interpersonal group counselling

Enhances interpersonal skills through group counselling

Student supports
Purpose To prevent difficulties in university life caused by lack of interpersonal skills
Schedule April ~ May
Target Current Far East students
Content Enhancing understanding in self-image reflected on others to check and correct any maladaptive pattern in one’s interpersonal relationships
Effect Enhanced sociability through group counselling and adaptability in university life

03. Stress management group counselling

Stress resolution through group counselling

Student supports
Purpose 1) To cultivate stress management skill during campus life
2) To expand the diversity of group counselling according to the results of the counselling demand survey in the latter half of the previous year
Schedule May~June
Target Current students of Far East University
Content Express feelings and thinking at the moment in the group counselling session to learn effective stress management skills
Effect Increased school adaptability through the enhancement of stress management skills

04. Group counselling on career exploration

Career exploration through group counselling

Student supports
Purpose 1) To provide experiences in career exploration within the comfort zone of group counselling
2) To expand counselling on career exploration in accordance with the counselling demand survey in the latter half of 2017
Schedule October ~ November
Target 8 current students in Far East University
Content Explore one’s career options through various media and communication with group members.
Effect Better motivation in academic studies through in-depth exploration on future career and better preparations for post-graduate career

05. Special lectures on mental health (on anti-smoking)

Special lectures on mental health on anti-smoking

Student supports
Purpose 1) To explore correct information on smoking
2) To strengthen student awareness of anti-smoking
Schedule May
Target For applied departments only in Far East University
Content Reducing smokers in current students through special lectures on scientific researches on the risks of smoking
Effect special lectures on scientific researches on the risks of smoking

06. In-campus campaign

Campaigns of various topics

Student supports
Purpose 1) To campaign improvements in student awareness of campus accident prevention
2) To develop a sense of community for communicating personalities
Schedule March, May, September, November
Target Current students in Far East University
Content Campaigns on various topics
Effect Current students prevent campus accidents and cultivate a sense of community on various interesting and accessible topics

07. Assistant program for the disabled (Far East Mingling)

Various campaigns and activities for the improvement in the awareness of the disabled

Student supports
Purpose 1) To enhance the sociability through a shift in the awareness of disability
2) To improve the adaptability of disabled students in campus
Schedule April ~ May
Target Current students in Far East University
Content Improvement in the awareness of disabilities through campaigns and programs in the department, Eumseong welfare center for the disabled in Eumseong-gun, and student counselling center
Effect Developed social values through a shift in the awareness of disabilities

08. Solian peer counselling

Counselling service for students in need from peer counsellors

Student supports
Purpose 1) Emerging need for peer counselling as a result of the counselling demand survey in the first half of 2017
2) To provide the opportunities to resolve the difficulty in university life through friendly talks
Schedule September ~ December
Target Current students in the second and third year above certain academic grades, 1 person per department
Content Selecting and training peer counsellors and providing counselling services for students in need
Effect Training peer counsellors to manage stress of current students from university life

09. Attendance yellow-motivating group counselling

Motivating group counselling for students with low attendance rate

Student supports
Purpose 1) To facilitate academic and career counselling through counselling programs for students with low attendance
2) To develop group counselling programs for Far East University
Schedule November ~ December
Target current students with two absence
Content Group counselling for students with low attendance rate to develop their adaptability in campus and motivate them in academic studies with various tools
Effect Motivating current students to prevent maladjustment to the campus life to develop them into creative and practical professionals to contribute to society

10. Residence group counselling

Group counselling sessions for current students in residence

Student supports
Purpose To develop problem-solving skills by talking about possible conflicts in campus residence
Schedule September ~ October
Target 8 current students
Content Developing students’ adaptability into university life through intensive group counselling for students in residence
Effect Improving problem-solving skills and adaptability in university life

11. Special lecture for returned students

Special lectures on returned students

Student supports
Purpose To prevent returned students from dropping out and improve their adaptability
Schedule May
Target Limited to the applying departments
Content A special lecture series on various topics to help returned students quickly readjust to university life
Effect Assistance and improvement in the readjustment of returned students to university life and their communication skills through special lectures

12. Counselling essay contest

Counselling essay contest

Student supports
Purpose 1) To improve the awareness of student counselling center through the counselling essay contest
2) To analyze the effects of counselling through excellent cases in the student counselling center
Schedule June, December
Target Students patriating in the student counselling center
Content A counselling essay content with the students who experienced counselling from the student counselling center to promote the center and analyze the counselling effects

13. Counselling effects; group counselling for self and career understanding for each year

Group counselling for freshmen on self and career

Student supports
Purpose To provide experiences in self-understanding through counselling support programs by year
Schedule May ~ June
Target Freshmen and current students in Far East University
Content Enhancing current students’ understanding in personalities and career group counselling on freshmen
Effect Preparations for future career by exploring one’s career options and discipline

14. Yearly interpersonal group counselling

Group counselling on interpersonal relationships for freshmen

Student supports
Purpose To provide experiences in interpersonal relationships through the counselling support program for each year
Schedule October ~ November
Target Freshmen in Far East University, applying departments
Content Group counselling sessions are given to freshmen to improve the interpersonal skills of current students.
Effect Acquisition of social skills to improve the adaptability in the new environment of university distinguished from high school

15. Group counselling for intensive career exploration

Intensive group counselling on career for sophomore

Student supports
Purpose To provide experiences in career exploration through the yearly counselling support program
Schedule TBA
Target Sophomore students in Far East University
Content Assisting sophomore students in intensive career exploration with a variety of tools
Effect Preparations for career setting through intensive career exploration

16. Yearly group counselling for motivation and career preparations

Hosting group counselling sessions on career preparations and motivation on third year students

Student supports
Purpose To provide opportunities for detailed information seeking and career through the yearly counselling support program
Schedule TBA
Target Current students in Far East University in the third year, applying departments
Content Intensive group counselling for students in their third year on career preparations and motivation before advancing to society
Effect Strong motivation and detailed preparations for future career through indepth exploration on career options before advancing to the fourth year