Undergraduate programs Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Department of Industrial Drone

Department introduction

Department introduction
Core professionals to lead the rapidly expanding unmanned (drone) industry
Department of Industrial Drone
Drone is a core field of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to be applied to various fields, such as disaster prevention, disease prevention, aerial shooting, human rescue, search, facility management, etc. The world needs not only drone operators but also more experts who can apply drones to related industrial fields. Far East University offers a systematic program to apply and operate drones in various fields with rich knowledge on electric and electronic components of the drone and an understanding in design, control and flight principles through the introduction to the field of drones. Young professionals who complete the program will be the core leaders in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


  • The Industrial Drone consists of the mechanical, electronic, navigational, and communication components for special equipment to effectively replace the 3D industry. The areas of drone application are widening very fast. The Department of the Industrial Drone has designed the essential educational program to raise professionals to play the central role in the drone application, wherever the expertise, diversity, and efficiency of the drone are required for distance information acquisition, pesticide application, safety checkup on dangerous facilities and equipment, disaster and fire investigation, measurement and photoshoot.

Educational objectives

  • To be certified in related fields through focused education on drone applications; to respect the spirit of challenge and creative thinking with a focus on future career at a variety of public organizations and corporations by pioneering the areas of drone application; to lead the best human resource development, research and startup activities to educate distinguished professionals and leaders in the related industries.

Departmental Vision

  • Educating drone specialists to lead the rapidly expanding unmanned vehicle (drone) industry
  • Convergent-type drone operators with engineering skills and creative sense on drone design and operation

Educational program overview

Educational program overview
First Year Understanding spatial information, Calculus 1, Aeronautics Meteorology, Introduction to Spatial Information engineering, Calculus 2, Air Laws and Theories of Aviation Safety
Second Year UAV Structural Mechanics, UAV Wireless Communication, Engineering Mathematics 1, Introduction to Electric Engineering, Engineering Mathematics 2, System Translation Studies, Aerodynamics
Third Year Sensor Engineering, Photogrammetry, Global Navigation Satellite System 1, Disaster Management, UAV Control Engineering, UAV Imaging and Editing, Remote Exploration, Global Navigation Satellite System 2
Fourth Year UAV Operation Programming 1, Spatial Information Big Data System, Automatic Navigation Monitoring System, Avionics System, UAV Operation Practice, UAV Operation Programming 2, Graduate Exhibition, Theories of Geospatial Information Management

Career options

  • Unmanned vehicle operator for military purposes in national defense
  • Drone operators in policing, firefighting, traffic, and disaster prevention
  • Drone operators for pesticide application and map making
  • Utilization, design and operation of drones in various industrial fields
  • Startup, educators and geospatial experts in drone