Student Support Convergent professionals from Far East University
create a new wave in the world

Educational Programs

SMART-K PLUS develops creativity and integrity
Grow into valuable professionals who can be a ”plus” to the world through the education on creativity and integrity rather than visual specifications and academic grades.

01. 1st-KDUniv

Promoting self-learning skills for successful university life

Student supports
Purpose To promote successful transition of freshmen into the campus life
Schedule During March
Target All freshmen
Content How to write essays and study planning skills for freshmen’s transition to the university
Effect - Successful transition to the campus life and development of basic study skill
- Prevention of dropouts through successful transition to the campus

02. Basic Academic Assessment

Diagnosis and assessment of freshmen’s basic academic levels

Student supports
Purpose - To manage the basic studies of all learners by the university
- To provide a variety of strategies for basic learning as university students
- To minimize falling-behind students and strengthen academic capabilities
Schedule March ~ April
Target All freshmen
Content Diagnosing on the basic study level by area
Effect - Baseline data for academic consulting and counseling
- Adjusting the educational direction and level for freshmen, and providing customized learning
- Enhancing the academic level of learners

03. Special lectures on learning methods by current students

Special lectures on learning methods to enhance self-led study skills

Student supports
Purpose - To host special lectures on the selected topic through the demand survey on students
- To support the enhancement of learning skills
- To cultivate self-learning skills and practical skills
Schedule 3 times in the semester
Target All freshmen
Content To develop the learning skills in liberal arts and specific field of study
Effect - Getting familiarized with the flow of learning and gaining extracurricular learning experiences
- Growing into more independent learners

04. Special lectures by major/discipline

Special lectures for the enhancement of basic competence by major and discipline

Student supports
Purpose - To provide necessary competence and special lectures by major and discipline
- To develop the insights in the field of study as professionals
Schedule During semester
Target 4 departments, first-come-first-serve
Content Special lectures on customized learning by major/discipline
Effect - Enhancing the interest in the lectures through the special lectures on competence building and conversation with professionals on the field of study
- Enhancing the field of expressing field-related interest, researcher attitudes and independent thinking

05. Self-learning camp

Camp-type self-learning program

Student supports
Purpose To acquire the knowledge management skills, informationselection skills, and organizational skills
Schedule During July
Target Students who attend the GLDP under the division of international cooperation
Content Self-learning group/camp
Effect Confidence boost in learning

06. Self-learning diagnosis and consulting

Special lectures on basic competence building by major/ discipline

Student supports
Purpose - To provide the necessary competence and special lectures according to the major/discipline
- To promote the competence in the field of study and insights as professionals
Schedule During semester
Target 4 departments, first-come-first-serve
Content Customized special lectures by major/discipline
Effect - Enhancing the interest in the lectures through the special lectures on competence building and conversation with professionals on the field of study
- Enhancing the field of expressing field-related interest, researcher attitudes and independent thinking

07. Korea Collegiate Essential Skills Assessment (K-CESA)

Supporting basic study skills by identifying the level of core skills in the specialized department

Student supports
Purpose - To utilize baselines data for the development of the curricula based on essential skills
- To provide personal development and career guidance to enhance qualifications for employment
Schedule May
Target All students in the special department on chemistry (Department of Bio Food Science, Hotel Food Service)
Content A diagnosis tool developed to identify the essential skills of college students, support their career development, and enhance the educational strength of universities
Effect Measuring the educational achievements in specializing fields by identifying the competence level of students

08. Essential Skill Strengthening (KDCCI)

Presentation of the improvement plan for the curricular and extracurricular programs through the essential skill assessment on learners

Student supports
Purpose - Laying the foundation for the basic education on essential skills for the future
- To collect the data for the competence management of individual learners
Schedule April~ May
Target All current students
Content Educational treatment through the standardized essential skill test and diagnosis (KDCC) in Far East University
Effect - Recognizing the importance and necessity of the skill-based education in Far East University
- Proposing the direction to building a customized competencebased education

09. Essential Skills Strengthening (special lecture)

Offering a special lecture on skill building based on the analytical results of the K-CESA

Student supports
Purpose Selective strengthening the necessary skills for the specific department based on the analytical results of the K-CESA
Schedule Once by department in October
Target Specializing department (Department of Bio Food Science, Hotel Food Service)
Content Special lectures to select and enhance required skills in the specializing departments
Effect - Contributing to the promotion of the essential skills in studentsin the field-centered special chemical departments
- Contributing to the enhancement of program consistency through career planning and aptitudes verification

10. Learning consulting (1-on-1)

Proposing learning strategies for the promotion of basic study skills

Student supports
Purpose To offer personalized counseling for struggling students through diagnosis and analysis
- To build the foundation of successful university life through consistent management
Schedule All time
Target Individual applicant
Content Building the basic study skills through 1:1 learning coaching
Effect - Preventing academic slump through learning supports
- Sequential assistance in self-learning planning

11. Group learning coaching

Presenting group learning strategies for learning motivation

Student supports
Purpose To enhance the basic learning skills and support successful university life of students
Schedule During semester (5 times)
Target Offered by department
Content group learning coaching for the areas in need of learning skills improvement
Effect Confidence boost in learning

12. Hi-KDBrain

Promoting advanced thinking skills such as problem-solving skills and critical thinking

Student supports
Purpose - To develop SMART K convergent professionals
- To cultivate a variety of fundamental skills as convergent professionals
Schedule During semester
Target By department (recommended for students in the 2nd-3rd year
Content Developing student potentials and learning skills
Effect Expectation in the growth into learners who have internalized higher thinking

13. Learning community

Offline learning community for the enhancement of basic learning skills

Student supports
Purpose - Positive impact in cognition and integrity
- Cultivating a sense of solidarity through the formation of a learning community
Schedule During semester (at least 16 hours)
Target All current students
Content Developing learning skills and study skills in the discipline through the community learning process
Effect Enhancing a sense of solidarity and basic study skills by discipline

14. Hey, Buddy!

Learning communities on basic courses for international students

Student supports
Purpose - Positive impact in the cognition and integrity
- Developing a sense of solidarity through the formation of a learning community
Schedule During semester (Total 8 times)
Target All current students
Content Creating mutual synergy through the formation of learning communities with international learners
Effect Creating mutual synergy in the language and lives of international learners

15. Teaching and learning program competition

Competition where students plan for teaching and learning programs

Student supports
Purpose - To enhance the attendance in the program through accommodating the demands of learners
- To Actualize potentials and creativity while planning directly by the learner
Schedule May
Target All current students
Content Far East University students design and plan for teaching and learning programs they want
Effect Increasing interest in the educational programs for learners
- Providing extracurricular opportunities to express creativity

16. Excellent lecture essay competition

Essay competition on the recommended courses

Student supports
Purpose - To discover and share excellent courses and enhance the general quality of courses
- To increase students’ interests in courses
Schedule May
Target All current students
Content Essay competition on the memorable or recommended courses
Effect - Helping students to choose their courses and increases their interests in courses
- To enhance the quality of courses through the discovery of excellent courses

17. Learning portfolio competition

Competition on the data accumulation on learning and campus life

Student supports
Purpose - Learners to share one’s own beneficial learning resources
- To spread a variety of learning skills and problem-solvingskills
Schedule October
Target All current students
Content Competition on excellent or creative assignments, learning secrets/notes/and advices on campus life
Effect - Increasing learners’ interests in education programs
- Providing extracurricular opportunities to express creativity

18. Content production competition

Content production competition as per the department features

Student supports
Purpose To induce self-learning on the field of study through excellent content production by department
Schedule August~October
Target Application and operation by the department (Total five departments
Content Departmental hosting on an interesting topic about the university
Effect - To encourage voluntary participation of the departments in the SMART K PLUS program
- Presenting the skill building models and methods through extracurricular programs

19. Korean Language Speaking Competition

Promoting the successful campus life, Korean language skills and participation of international students in the extracurricular activities

Student supports
Purpose - To promote the Korean language and culture
- For all international students to share their Korean language skills and friendship
- To enhance the Korean language skills and academic participation
Schedule November
Target Foreign students and exchange students in Hey, Buddy! In the first and second semesters (including graduate students)
Content Korean language speaking contest on a given subject
Effect - Enhance the Korean language skills and class participation
- Communicate and share various experiences related to Korean culture

20. Mileage program

For the enhancement of participation to extracurricular programs

Student supports
Purpose - To encourage voluntary participation to the learning support programs
- To build an integrated supporting system for the competence building extracurricular programs
- To educate future talents by supporting a variety of learning programs for each capacity
Schedule During semester
Target - Participants to the non-extracurricular integrated education model (PLUS) among the current students (automatic target if attended this program)
- Students who obtained grades at least one semester
Content Selection and support programs for excellent students who participated in the extracurricular program
Effect - Boosts in confidence and academic achievement of current and graduated students
- Differentiated and specialized skill building for personalized career and employment
- Realizing the ideal talent and educational objectives through essential skill building and strengthening university education

21. Excellent students with academic improvements

Promotion of learning skills, responsibility in academic grade management, internal motivation and self-respect

Student supports
Purpose To enhance learning skills and a sense of responsibilities in grade management
Schedule During semester
Target Students who attended New Start and learning clinic (automatic target if attended these programs)
Content Rewarding students with academic improvements among those who attended the learning coaching program
Effect Strengthening internal motivation and self-respect on academic achievement

22. New Start

Customized program for underachieving learners

Student supports
Purpose To strengthen our university’s competitiveness by minimizing underachieving students
Schedule During semester (total 3 sessions)
Target Students who received academic probation in the previous semester
Content Promoting learning motivation to raise the academic grades of underachieving students
Effect - Checking the student’s learning status, promoting their selflearning skills by identifying the learning type
- Reducing the dropout rate of underachieving and struggling students
- Improving satisfaction with the education and planning for university life

23. Writing clinic

1:1 or group writing education to develop writing skills

Student supports
Purpose To instruct correct grammar and writing structure for each genre and purpose
Schedule During semester
Target Applicant by department
Content - Instructing correct tone and sentence structure
- Getting an idea of writing structure for each type and purpose of writing
- Face-to-face counselling and proofreading
Effect Confidence boost in career and employment through personalized writing skills and experience promotion

24. Online tutoring

Online learning community to develop basic study skills

Student supports
Purpose Smooth facilitation of online courses
Schedule During semester
Target All students
Content Assistant for course professors (assignment management, enrollment management, G&A)
Effect Promoting basic study skills in the discipline and a sense of solidarity through the allocation and management by the professor in charge

25. Plagiarism management system

Plagiarism prevention and checking system for the learning ethics enhancement

Student supports
Purpose Ethical learning and research by building an academic and research culture of self-checkup and management
Schedule January ~ December (Whole year)
Target All current students
Content Learners’ self-checkup and professor assessment process
Effect Promoting basic study skills in the discipline and a sense of solidarity through the allocation and management by the professor in charge

26. Basic learning support

Online learning support on the topics in the essential learning areas (language, mathematics, information, current affairs)

Student supports
Purpose To open and share quality contents to increase the easiness of advanced e-learning
Schedule All time
Target All current students
Content Open courses on mathematics and teaching among the essential learning subjects
Effect - Increasing the quality of university education through the joint application of e-learning contents and course materials
- Increasing the smoothness of the educational contents and methods through sharing

27. President of university frosh conversation

A meeting session between freshmen and the president of university for early transition to the university education and emotional stability through exchanges on the current affairs, ideals, university development plan, etc.

Student supports
Purpose To internalize the founding philosophy of humanitarianism and spirit of Far East University in every freshman and to find emotional stability early at campus
Schedule March - April
Target Freshmen every year
Content 1. Freshmen discover their dreams and hopes and a mindset for future success
2. Introduction to a variety of supporting programs offered by Far East University
Effect - Assisting freshmen’s transition into university
- Preventing freshmen from dropping out

28. Conversations with professionals (curricular)

Sharing the experiences and philosophy of renowned professionals from different disciplines

Student supports
Purpose To encourage goal setting on self-management; motivate academic studies, and provide access to a variety of perspectives on the world
Schedule Regular class in every semester
Target Students in the first and second year
Content The chair, visiting, and academic-industrial professors offer a variety of lectures and conversations with freshmen every week to enhance the relevancy of the field area and develop future professionals with a spirit of challenge and integrity, which are the educational objective of Far East University
Effect Acquiring diverse insights in the world through the cases of renowned professionals and diversifying post-graduation plans

29. Visiting lectures

Sharing the experiences and philosophy of renowned professionals from different disciplines

Student supports
Purpose To share the experiences and philosophy of renowned professionals from different fields to encourage goal setting on selfmanagement; motivate academic studies, and provide access to a variety of perspectives on the world
Schedule Frequently
Target All students
Content Hosting lectures by renowned field experts on timely hot issues and encouraging the participation of many students
Effect Effect: Acquiring diverse insights in the world through the cases of renowned professionals and diversifying post-graduation plans

30. Personal development and career planning (curricular)

Motivates self-reflection and learning in the field of study and cultivate a sense of community to form the foundation of professionals with integrity

Student supports
Purpose To focus on character education to combine integrity and academic education and assist in students’ transition into university life and settlement of the KS education system through intimate educational method with the faculties
Schedule During the first semester
Target Freshmen every year
Content - Small-group team teaching in divided classes under a fulltime professor in the department
- Conversation with the president of university is required, and details such as reading/video debate and field activities are coordinated according to the department
- Dialogue-debate, special lecture, experiential activities, mentoring
Effect 1. Implementing independent thinking as university students and establishing life and future visions
2. Establishing a sense of belonging and identity in the University and department
3. Enhancing a sense of understanding between students and professors

31. Integrity and leadership (curricular)

Learning about self, confidence boost, vision building, character development, strengthening a sense of independence

Student supports
Purpose To enhance student value (university vision), educate future professionals with integrity (educational objective), and develop communicating professionals who realize community values (objectives of liberal arts education)
Schedule Regular class every semester
Target First year
Content 1. Learning about oneself: biological me, historical me, social me, psychological me
2. Confidence recovery and boost: Recognizing myself, living like myself
3. Vision building: Mission building to realize the vision, detailed goal setting, campus life road mapping
4. Character development: gratitude log, compliment, positive mind and coaching, communication and cooperation, group activities
5. Strengthening a sense of independence: Coaching-type, selfleading type, participation, experiential program, portfolio building
Effect Recovering confidence and sense of identity in the initial phase of university life, strengthening integrity, and making and realizing the visions of the four-year university life and future

32. Learning clinic (curricular)

Systematically building the steps of diagnosis-supervisionmanagement on students under academic probation

Student supports
Purpose To assist learners in acquiring effective and practical study skills and techniques, such as cognitive and super-cognitive strategies in addition to self-recognition, motivation and an understanding in related theories
Schedule Regular class every semester
Target Students with academic probation and underachieving students
Content Understanding and expanding the motivational, cognitive, and behavioral domains by understanding oneself and recognizing one’s learning styles through the SLT in each week
Effect Learners will diagnose their problems based on their own learning and acquire the ways of improvements to effectively manage their own learning activities. Their learning adaptability will improve to prevent them from dropping out.

33. Leadership special program

Cultivates principled leadership by educating seven habits of successful university students from the Korea Leadership Center

Student supports
Purpose To strengthening personal development interpersonal skills; to cultivate effective leadership for oneself and interpersonal relationships; to set detailed missions and vision to acquire the habits of successful life
Schedule December (First week of vacation)
Target About 30 students selected from each department among the applicants
Content Educating the 7 Habits of Successful University Students in 22 hours (2 nights, 3 days) at the start of the vacation
Effect Setting detailed missions and visions for university life and adulthood beyond to acquire the personal qualities and skills as leaders